Fast Answers to Drinking Water Questions

It seems like everywhere you go someone is drinking water. The average American drinks at least one liter of water per day. Working and playing in warm weather can lead to consuming up to 16 liters a day! Thant’s not surprising since about 60% of our body weight is water. We’re also cutting back on soda and other sugary drinks. The main reasons for more water consumption include:

•    Cutting needless calories
•    Healthy lifestyle
•    Reduced sugar intake
•    Losing weight
•    Reducing cavities in children

While we are drinking more water than ever we’re also more concerned about the quality of our drinking water. News reports of water contaminated with lead, leaking underground gasoline tanks, buried industrial waste and distrust of additives like chlorine and fluoride have led many to worry about the purity of their well and municipal water supplies. Many health-conscious consumers have turned to bottled water, believing it is better than their home water supply. From 2000 to 2015 a survey from the bottled water industry showed that water consumption rose by 120%. In many cases, bottled water is not much different in composition and purity than tap water. The biggest difference is the price. Business Insider calculated that consumers routinely pay almost 2,000 times more per gallon for “fancy” bottled water that is really just imported tap water. But there is a better way. Drink your own tap water!

With all the reports of contaminated water you may wonder if your safe to drink. Testing your drinking water used to be complicated and expensive. We’ve made water testing easy with the Health-Metric Drinking Water Test Kit. You don’t need to be a chemist to test the purity of your own drinking water. With the Health-Metric Drinking Water Test Kit you’ll be able to test for eight of the most common causes of poor water quality. These include:

•    Total Chlorine – a disinfectant that causes taste and odor problems
•    pH – low pH causes pipes to corrode
•    Total Hardness – hard water causes early failure of water heaters, spotty dishes, dry hair
•    Total Alkalinity – low alkalinity can result in corrosive, acidic water
•    E. coli bacteria – bacterial contamination in the water causes illness
•    Nitrite and Nitrate – a health concern especially for infants and children
•    Heavy Metals – tests for the presence of a variety of problem-causing metals

Testing your own water will provide you with instant answers concerning your home’s water quality. The Health-Metric Drinking Water Test Kit can also be used to test the water in commercial operations like restaurants, coffee shops, hotels and apartment complexes. There is no need to wonder about your drinking water when a simple test kit will answer the most common concerns. Many homeowners discover that their bad-tasting drinking water was caused by chlorination. A filtered drinking water pitcher solved the problem and saved them thousands of dollars in bottled water costs throughout the years. Worried about your water? Test, don’t guess!


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